About Me

Hey 👋 I'm Vegard Bjørsvik, a data engineer/ software engineer from Norway.

Ever since I first started programming, I've had a passion for building things that solves my problems, especially web applications. This passion eventually led me to dive deeper into the world of software development, data engineering, web development, and more.

My first programming language was C++, and web development with PHP. I since moved on to JavaScript for web development, and Python, Scala, Kotlin, Rust for other projects. Since them, I got curious about how PHP and Laravel was to use today over 10 years later. So, I decided to learn Laravel and ended up building this site that also solved my problems with monitoring my other projects.

Why 200.sh?

The journey of creating 200.sh began as both a personal challenge and to solve a problem I had. I wanted to explore building a complete SaaS solution and wanted to learn Laravel. I have also had a need for a simple uptime monitor, and with the domain 200.sh I thought it would fit nicely since a OK http status code is 200.

The first version of the site was a simple uptime monitor that will notify you when your website is down or up again. It also have the ability to set up multiple notifications, and see stats about your website. The hope is that it will be easy to just set up and monitor your website and know that if it goes down you will be notified.

There are more features planned for the sites, such as overall redesign to be more consistent and to display more information in the dashboard. Also, the monitors will be more customizable to allow you to set up more complex monitoring scenarios, and more notification methods. Long term, I also plan to have a option to add a status page for your website monitoring.

The Journey

Creating this SaaS have been a learning experience for me. As such I want to share my journey and learnings in this sections. The hope is to keep this up to date when I add more features, or when I have some other updates about the project.